Discover the Outback : XOXO Package Find out More

Life can get on top of us from time to time. The seemingly endless cycle of wake, work, sleep, rinse and repeat can be hard to break.


That makes it even more important to take time out for a health-focused holiday where you can relax, refocus and take stock of your physical and mental health.


A country retreat in Australia’s peaceful outback is perfect for shedding those everyday doldrums. Here’s why Mt. Mulligan Lodge is the ideal outback health resort for your next retreat.

Wind Down And Look After Yourself At A Country Retreat

A Country Retreat for Body & Mind


External factors in our everyday lives, such as work and chores, can distract us from looking after our body and mind. Taking a retreat, whether by yourself or with loved ones, gives you time to focus on your physical and mental health. At Mt. Mulligan Lodge, this can be as simple as soaking in your rustic outdoor bathtub, meditating or practicing yoga alongside the weir or enjoying a picnic on the banks of the Hodgkinson River.

Time & Space to Relax


Unlike holidaying in a busy city, taking an outback retreat offers more time and space for relaxation and inner reflection. You can choose to do literally nothing more than soak up the country setting rich in natural spoils, including native Australian wildlife.


You can also turn your attention to the glittering night sky with stargazing at Mt. Mulligan Lodge, which reveals intricate constellations and even the Milky Way galaxy. Birdwatching from your verandah or quiet bush walks around our walking trails are also a great way to simply breathe.

The Physical Health Benefits of Being Outdoors


Studies have shown that outdoor activity, such as bushwalking and mountain hiking, can have significant physical and mental health benefits. These range from boosting energy and your immune system to a reduction in cortisol (a hormone often associated with stress) and blood pressure.


During a country retreat at Mt. Mulligan Lodge, you’ll have ample opportunities to embrace the outdoors with birdwatching, barramundi fishing, nature walks or even practicing yoga on your private deck using the yoga mats available in all of our rooms.

Outback Activities to Boost Endorphins & Reconnect


Most of us have quite sedentary jobs and lives. How often do you go from your office desk to your couch, then into bed? Performing 30 minutes of exercise a day can not only decrease stress and improve your heart health, but can also increase your productivity and creativity.


We offer a range of outback activities at Mt. Mulligan Lodge for reconnecting with nature and boosting your endorphins. Enjoy a day out on the sparkling weir while kayaking or stand-up paddle boarding or take part in a once-in-a-lifetime cattle mustering experience.

Start Planning Your Next Country Retreat

Your health is important, so don’t dilly dally when it comes to organising your next country retreat. Browse our range of accommodation online at Mt. Mulligan Lodge, which you can turn into your very own health resort with enriching outdoor activities, an abundance of down time and peaceful natural surrounds.

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